Wednesday, December 15, 2010

THAT Night & "Yesterday"

I would obviously prefer the title to be "THAT Night & Today" because i havent slept yet but... According to the time and date on my laptop, i think its only right to put "THAT Night & Yesterday"

=) I usually dont consider it the next day until i sleep. If i dont sleep, it would be the "next day" as soon as i see the sun or feel the heat from outside.

Yeaah.... Anyways, enjoy the pictures.
Not much words towards the bottom. Only pictures and captions! =D Yay us!


On the way...

Stinky lift..

Nice place. We got there too late to try their food though. We had some finger food. Live bands. =) And a whole lot of laughters.

My red and white friend.


Camwhoring as soon as we got to Library.

We didnt go very far...

Before we camwhored again.

Then we ordered our drinks.

Boobs and ass Cam! Boobs and ass.

After the picture above, all pictures looks like this.

Drunk, almost there, sober.

Kiss the one in the center.


Look who couldnt walk in a straight line? Have to excuse them though. They went 2 rounds. I only did 1.

Hahaha! Her eyes are not even open!

They slept. I couldnt.


I was called a China girl when we got to OU. What a nice way to start my day. Pfft. ;D

Pink Day. BR, baby!
OU's decoration! =)

Cathie and Cammie.

I seriously love the background!!

Damn suaku.

Waiting for shitloads of people to get off.


The one where i was standing straight is kinda blur so this is all i have. Haha.


"Hmm... Fine fine."


*Giving in*

So nice!!! I like how they did the tiles.


Cammie stepped on Cathie's foot by accident. HAHAHA!

I took this with the camera over my head. So yeah.

If only there were things in it. =P

EEeee!!! I <3

Jokers walk so fast. Haha. *Leg pain*

Look at that!

Damn nice~ =)
Guess who we "bumped" into on the way to MPH? Ok ok we were in that shop filled with pretty superhero clothes right. I just adore their belt and tops and skirts! OMG!! So pretty! <3

Opps, went out of topic.. OK back to guess who. Well... Guess guess!!!

We "bumped" into Spencer and Hoong Yi. ("Bumped" because he was upstairs and i was downstairs)
1. He has sharp eyes- He was working out (Celebrity fitness) and he could see me from there. Nice! Haha.
2. I thought he got the wrong number- Yes, he called. Haha! "Are you in a shop which has 70% off?" and he started describing what i was wearing and how i was trying to find him and stuff.
3. He is overbuilt. Haha. (If youre reading this, which i doubt, enough lar!! Haha! Over already!! I can barely see your head from down there earlier) <- That sounded wrong.. But hell with it. =)
4. Whoa! =)

I love this soft toy but it would eat up my purse if i did buy it. Haha!

I guess thats all for now. =)
NO WAIT!!!! Ive got some.......

Bad news:

Going back tomorrow.
(Whatthehelllar!?!? =@ =P I cant go with you... Leaving this weekend. Will be back by Monday)

Going away for TEN days.
(Have a safe trip yeah?! Have fun!)

Classes on.
(No, you cannot skip anymore classes. It isnt right!)

Going back to Maldives soon and after that, straight to Australia.
(WHYYYY?! Ok ok~ I know why... But.. WHY LAR?!!?!?!)

(Come back, come back, come back and let meet up again) <- Sing it like how you would sing "My Bonnie"

Tee Yee?
Already went back.
(Sabah *Sobs*)

Shiok Leng?
(Going up North this weekend though. Be back by Monday. Wedding! =D No. Not mine. -.-)

My parents?
Werent even happy/excited to see me.
(I stayed over Cammie's place. We started off our conversation with screamings over the phone. So yeah... When i got into the car- I wasnt driving, they came pick me up- there was an awkward silence. It was so hard to pass to them the Siu Mai Cammie bought for them) <- That was what broke the silence though. ;D

Sigh... Damn sad right? =/

Ok ok lets not end this post this way.. Erm erm...

Next post would most probably be on the witches thinggy.
(Nuffnang's Contest)

Nights, love.

(I dont know why but i suddenly feel... Christmassy~)

*Bells jingling* <- Im hearing things in my head...
Time for bed.


Those sitting for exams, yeah you...

"A smart person learns from mistakes; a wise person learns from the mistakes of others."

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