Wednesday, April 28, 2010

V Season 1 Spoilers and Teasers

Concept: The poster of Season 2 will feature Anna as a reptilian with her face, and teeth exposed.
It will say "They Lied."

Spoilers for this season...

The V's tell the public "The Fifth Column" are terrorist.
-The public will fight for The V's.

The Reporter gains the Pastors trust and the pastor reveals to him all The V's evil plans
This shocks the reporter to hear, and he realize is too late he has already told Anna about The identities of The fifth column.

After a bomb planted in one of The V's Ships go off, Anna the leader of the V's decided to give up so that the public can gain her trust and support. She tells everyone
"We do not feel safe here, so we have decided we are leaving."
This statement makes the human public beg for The V's to stay.

Leader Anna V has a Leader "Husband" The King of The V's
He will be returning on in Season 2.

V Season 2
Premieres in 2010 of Fall or early 2011

Friday, April 23, 2010

Apple iPad 2.0 Release Date Now Available! The Next Generation with 4.0 OS

Just got the news, Apple's iPad 2.0 is coming in Spring, but what date?
Scroll down for the reveal...


New iPad 2.0 comes this way

South Park 201 Uncensored! with Muhammad no peeping

What does Kyle say at the end?

Thats because their is no Goo Mr.Cruz
You see, i learned something today...

[Peeping Starts]

We shouldn't be fighting over some Goo that doesn't exist, while we were all trying to get Muhammad we forgot about _______________

[Peeping Stops]

That's right, dont you see Gingers

[Peeping continues]

(Even more Coming Soon)

Comment Below to tell me what you think he said...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is Here! Weeds Season 6 Official Poster!

To be honest, i think showtime could of done better.
These poster's are meant to be eye capturing not a just a plain photograph of an actress.

Back to the drawing board showtime, re-do it before it gets public.


Showtime, actually took time to create a better poster for us.
Slogan is "Let's blow this joint"
Which is a pun of Nancy's plans to flee from everything.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

South Park 200th Episode Watch Online



Spoilers of the NEW SOUTH PARK

After stan insults Tom Cruise with the word: Fudge Packer
when he sees Tom as an employee of Fudge and Candy a chain reaction begins...

-Barbara is back as 2.0!
-Jen Lopez is back so is Mr.Hat
-Cartman is determined to find his father.
-The Gingers want to get the goo of M. and so do the celebrities
-It ends abruptly and continues with episode 201 next Wednesday

Monday, April 12, 2010

South Park 200th Episode! Celebrities Lawsuit

Sneak Preview

While on a school field trip, Stan accidentally INSULTS Tom Cruise with a word that is worst than the F word he causes all Celebrities to join forces to file an enormous lawsuit on the town of South Park. 200 previously ridiculed celebrities stand strong in this episode you don't want to miss. This could be the thing that can destroys South Park for good.

200! Premieres Wednesday night on
Comedy Central

This episode no one will miss,
during the premiere
check back to see it here!

Weeds Season Premiere! 2010 Season 6

I just got the release date.
Early Screening in August 11, 2010


Friday, April 9, 2010

Where Have All The Old Tweets Gone? Finally a way to search old Tweets

A question many of you are asking... Where have all the old tweets gone? Do they get deleted?
Can i search old Twitter tweets?

The Answer: Yes

Do to the amount of Tweets sent each month, Twitter decided to delete a users past tweets to make room for recent tweets. Their servers are overloaded with Tweets.

Google's servers are jam packed with Gagillion Tweets!
Do to this anyone cans search Twitter from Tweets from past years

Search using this string
(iPhone OS 4) site:

Replace words under parenthesis ( ????)
-Do not add Parenthesis in the search bar

Results Guaranteed

iPhone OS 4 on iPhone 2G (Very Possible)

Yes, OS 4 will come to the iPhone 2G and iPod Touch 1G

More to this story coming soon

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Twitter New Update gets Embed Layout!

On the next schedule update from Twitter
Embedding Music, Pictures and Files will be an option!

Think of it like the iPhone MSM Layout
Where a message is sync with a picture.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Six Flags Magic Mountain Coasters of 2010, 2011, 2012

Six Flags Magic Mountain 2010 Roller Coasters! Coaster of The Future, Today. Here They Are Introducing...

Mr. Six Dance
Opens on May 30, 2010

Coming Soon

Superman & Batman

7Th Flag

Cryptozoology Creatures Revealed!

They are all over Youtube, creatures not from Earth caught on Tape.
What are they really? Is the video a fake or is it really real?
These answers will be provided now.
-Click Caught on Film to View Youtube Video.

Creatures #1-4:Coming Soon

Creature number #5: Flying Witch
Caught on Tape: Yes
What it really is: Demon imitating a fairy-tale Witch
Notice how the "Witch" becomes translucent after it goes near the mountains, like it was see through. Mexico is one of most witchcraft infected places.
This video was real.

Creature number #6: Unicorn
What it really is: Demon transformed into our version of a Unicorn
-Notice the exact description from the fairy tale's. Extinct early version of Unicorn was a normal deer size horse with a horn on it's head.
This video was real

Creature number #7: Dragon
What it really is: Oarfish
No Mission, Just Swept off sea.
This video was real.

Creature number #8: Another Gnome
What it really is: Demon transformed into Mythical Creature "Gnome"
Mission: Get on camera so that people will believe in Gnome's
After it was filmed it disappeared.
This video was real.

Creature number #9: Real Gnome
What it really is: Demon transformed into Mythical Creature "Elf"
Mission: Sent to get caught on camera so that people will believe in Elf's.
After it ran to the corner it disappeared.

Creature number #10: Real Dragon
What it really is: Demon Snake
Mission: Sent to bring Fear on who ever it raps around on.
Info -Their has been a case during an Exorcist that the possessed person not only had a demon inside but had this snake raped around him.
-When asked "Do you know you have a giant snake rapped around your neck.."
He answered: "Yes. I know"

-Coming Soon-
The Encyclopedia of The Unknown Website
-A-Z- of Creatures and what they really are.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

iPad Purchase, Get more for less: How my $499 became $1,170.00 on Credit Card Bill

To get the best bundle for a low price you will need.

Ebay will have the accessories soon, do not from Apple Store
-You will get ripped off.
-Ebay account for accessories-
Accessories in the Apple Store go for $29.99 Each!
Now i know it didn't cost that much to make.

Apple Store
iPad : $499.99 + TAX which is $40.00!
Are you kidding me!
-Tax for an iPad with accessories is $74.99!!!

You must know before is to late.
I just found out App's on the iPad are $9.99 minimum.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Leaked New iPhone 4G HD Commercial Promo Now Playing

The highly anticipated iPhone 4G HD is coming soon.
Someone on Youtube Leaked the promotional commercial calling it
"The Most Social iPhone Yet."

Steve Jobs Leaving Apple Inc but Who is Taking Over?

As you may all know Steve Jobs is leaving Apple soon, but Apple Inc will go on.
So who is taking over?

Tim Cook that's who.
Second in command from Steve Jobs CEO of Apple.
-They both are dressed the same.

iPad 1.0 Clones for sale Tomorrow by Shenzhen Huayi

Shenzhen Huayi will be releasing "The Clone's" on April 3, 2010 same day as
The iPad's Launch date.

So if you just want the iPad for the size and touchscreen only , no iTunes, no AppStore capabilities.
Then The Clone iPad is right for you.
-Who in the world wants that?

These Clone iPads will be sold on Ebay.

iPhone 4G HD Coming Soon

Iphone 4G HD

First Leaked PictureIt seems The iPhone 4G will include iChat as well as the iPad 2.0

More to come.

Apple iPad 2.0 Confirmed and Pre-Release Details Spoiled.

The iPad 2.0 Features leaked.

-CDMA GPRS Support

Maybe, just Maybe
Flash Player!

Release Date: March 2011

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hidden Message in The 4th/Forth Kind Movie : Real Evidence, Fake Filming

This movie was mentioned here before it was released.
The movie is superb. Acting is a bit low, but it was based on actual case studies.

The movie was rated 17% on rotten tomatoes, but this movie was definitely worth more than that. People just simply did not understand it.

The Movie is centered on a Female Psychologist who gets visited frequently by Aliens
and encounters both Alien and Demon activity as she discovers the source of why people get abducted. -She finds it.

After her husband unexpectedly gets murdered. The Widow mother is determined to find out who or what killed her husband.

The Movie did revealed something important
-Aliens are Fallen Angels- Google it.

Questions and Answers.
Q: Why did the Alien quote the bible, like it was Satan?

A: Shocker!-The Alien quoted Bible Scripture: Saying it was God.
Now how can an Alien know about the Bible?
-Because they are Fallen Angels.

Q: What happened to her daughter after she got abducted by Aliens/Fallen Angels?
A: The Aliens ate her. Her body was never found because they even ate the skin too.
-Their has been studies which say Aliens eat Human's.
-What a coincidence studies say's Fallen Angels ate Humans too.

What did The Alien said to the mother who tried so hard even in Possession to get her daughter back?

The "Alien" said
"Foolish child you will never get your daughter back."
"She will never be returned to you."
Then the "Alien" quoted Bible Scripture!
-Interesting how he called The Mother, Child as if she belong to this entity.

A: How can a body in Abduction go through the roof of a house?

When someone is strucked with that "Famous Beam of Light" a UFO creates before it Abducts the body of someone. Their body is instantly paralyze. Is like a taser gun but is so advanced that is not a gun is a flash light. -This technology will come to us.
The light also has the ability to transform their victim's body to the spirit world. [We wont get that.]
In the spirit world a body can pass through walls, hard objects.
That's why "Aliens can do this".

-Aliens/Fallen Angels mimic everything from The Spirit World to This world.- But they don't give us the best weapons- What we have is a fraction of what they have.
Example: Heaven has Flying Vehicles UFO Looking. Since Satan was there before, he knows how they looked like and created his own Flying Vehicles UFO, and gave earth the technology to make"Normal Cars".

Can Aliens poses people like Demons?

Yes, They are called Aliens by us but called Fallen Angels by God.
They can enter someone's body and posses them, but A DOOR NEEDS TO BE OPENED.
They can't posses anyone if no door is open. A door that can tell Evil to enter your life.

What door did the Psychologist and Patients open to become possessed?

They open a common door entitled: Hypnosis.
The spirit world doesn't play around.
On earth Hypnosis is a treatment, that is used by many to recall past events that happened to them.
In the spirit world Hypnosis is a form of Witch Craft and opens a door.
That's why Fallen Angels and Aliens who are Evil can enter someones body and possessed them.
Because they are guilty of Witch Craft.

That is all.

Scott Pendleton and Jen Fox Missing : EXCLUSIVE TRUTH AND FALSE IN VIDEO

View Video

Scott and Jen went for a hike in the hills of State Park when suddenly a meteoroid carrying an alien landed near them. Scott went to investigate and what he found was an alien creature that killed him and his wife Jen.

Scott and Jen were actors played by Kyle Rankin and Karen Zumsteg
Kyle also plays a part in another short film entitled: They came to Attack us.

The Phone Number in The Video is also fake.
-The Phone keeps ringing and no one picks up.

Conclusion The Video was a fake.

Also information to absorb, someone near State Park reported, that Scott and Jen where real people who went missing and the report was handled by Real Police.
-The movie was a remake? or a Cover-up?

Same Actor, New Short

More about The Creature!
What was that?...

These creature in TV, Movies are similar to the real ones.

Alien Animals are not called Aliens, they are called Demons.
-Demons usually look like animals.- If you notice.
Look it up, you will notice.
They are also low in ranking compare to Fallen Angels.

*There has been reports of people seeing Giant Spiders Demons and Snake Demon's.
-These demon's have assignments to different evils.

The most common demon is seen in Showtime's past hit show Dead like Me.
Remember the Imp looking one's who were in charge to kill?
They are the demons of fear are in charge of creating accidents.