Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Real Life Matrix can exist! Virtual Reality World.

Key Components for 360 3D.

1. Stereoscopic Head Mounted Display (HMD) Vision plays a large role in how we perceive reality. As display resolutions increase, one day the images will be so HD that our brain cannot perceive the difference between a physical and digital image. A HMD encapsulates our field of vision and simulates the visual experience. The more funding we receive, the higher res an HMD we can incorporate.

2. Motion Tracking Sensors To provide a full 360° visual experience, the system will need to know the position, direction, and tilt of your head. Motion trackers allow the system to capture your movements and provide a realistic, immersive experience. The more funding we receive, the smoother the tracking can be, allowing for higher-speed interaction.

3. Python Software Platform We want to open up the system to allow people to create environments and experiences. Python is the architectural language of the simulator, and will allow all the crazy coders to program some AMAZING applications. Imagine being able to share and download your digital experiences - you could time travel back to ancient Rome or see what it's like to walk around on Mars. With all the creative talent out there, we're sure people will create things we can't even imagine yet.

Successful funding of this project will allow us to assemble all these components and turn it into the WORLD'S FIRST publically accessible hackerspace for immersive experiences.


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