Saturday, October 23, 2010

HereAfter Movie Spoilers, Hidden Messages of the Afterlife + Ending Spoiled

-Review with Real Spoilers-

MOVIE RATING 80% Good 20% Bad

" 80 year old Director Clint Eastwood knows his time might be up soon, so he is hunting for the truth."

Definition of HEREAFTER : A place of void, where the dead roam; some referred to it as Limbo
A place where we are not accountable for our actions on Earth.
If it sounds to good to be true...
It probably is.


SPOILER #1: Near Death Experience
The movie begins with a catastrophic event taking place. In an instant a Tsunami swallows hundreds of thousands of people in an Island, including a french woman. Her cold semi-dead body is then pulled out from the water and laid down on a ship. She then has a near death experience where she sees visions of "the other side." Where the dead just walk in a place of void, in peace. A white light fills the place and the dead can barely be seen. She then starts to cough, and breath.

SPOILER #2: Enter Psychic George Lonegan
A man who is able to talk to the dead is introduced. He calls his "gift" a curse.
He sees the dead relatives of whomever he touches, with or without his consent.

Georges meets Marie and has a vision of them kissing. Marie has seen the dead, so therefore she will accept and understand his "gift". He never once talks to her in the entire film.
We never see whats beyond the "HereAfter" place.


What was George's "Gift"?
If you noticed i put quotes under the word gift. This is because in reality George was right it was not a gift. It was a curse. In reality the only way someone on earth can have the ability to talk to the dead without seeking it if someone in his or her family is in or has practiced the cult. In the film he said a quote that was right on: ["I don't want to open a door."] in response to an offer by his brother to become a Psychic once again. Opening a Door into the spirit world is never a good thing.

What Does Opening a Door do?
Opening a door allows the dead/familiar spirits to invite themselves to you, attack you, and even torment you. In the film George knew that if he slept without background noise, the dead would not let him rest. He had to be hearing Gibberish to be able to sleep.

If it was not the Dead then what did She See?
In her near death experience the french woman saw what you call [Familiar Spirits]

What are Familiar Spirits?
Familiar Spirits are not devils, nor demons; nor angels they belong to a different class of evil.
They are assign to everyone; so that get to know the person who they are assign to.
Familiar Spirits look exactly like you, study you while you live, and imitate you after death ; either for Psychics and Haunts but they are NOT you.

You had them, you just never knew it; until now.
Normally people have visions while they dream, is the instant jolt where they see something or someone in a split second, waking them up with a shake.
Before a vision starts, your dream ends.

When George saw the dead he would shake, like a jolt making a connection.

-Frequent Visions Experienced by People-

1. Dark Hole in which you fall.
2. Objects
3. A Familiar Face
4. A Scary Sight
5. A place or environment.

DVD Release : March 2011


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