Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Q: Are you really supposed to feel this way right now?
A: No. This isnt right.

Q: Why are you sad? You should be happy.
A: But i am.

Q: Then why are you chocolate wasted?
A: I dont know.

Q: What are you most afraid of right now?
A: Results and consequences.

Q: Are you happy?
A: Yes i am.

Q: Do you feel like giving up?
A: Right now i really do.

Q: Do you think its worth it?
A: Im not really sure.

Q: I thought you said you would let go and move on?
A: I tried.

Q: Do you miss anyone?
A: Yeah i do.

Q: Do you think that that someone is worth missing?
A: Are you shitting me?

Q: Do you think what youre doing now is right?
A: I dont know.

Q: Do you think you are complete?
A: I know so.

Q: Whats bringing you down then?
A: ...

Q: Why are you fucking crying when there is no need to?
A: I cant control how i feel.

Q: What do you feel?
A: I dont know what to feel anymore.

Q: Are you hurt?
A: I guess.

Q: Why cant you think positively like before?
A: Its really hard to think positively at this point of time.

Q: Why are you defending everything youre asking yourself? Afraid?
A: Im not.

Q: Fuck you.
A: Fuck you too.

If you find it funny, laugh.
If you want to pity me, dont.
If you want to make fun of me, go ahead.
If you want to help me, thank you.
If you want to get chocolate wasted, come.
If you want to tell me something, im here.
If you want to slap me left and right, its free.
If you want to tell me how sadistic i am, do it.
If you want to tell me how stupid i am, dont.
If you hated this monologue, its ok.

I have just became my own enemy and my own best friend.

Do what makes you happy, what shakes your troubles away.
For me, its writing. Im a tad bit happier right now.
Thanks for reading.
You are what makes me happy.
Take care.


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