Thursday, July 29, 2010

Long Story

Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!! Cockroaach!!!

___________(Insert mental image here)______________

Screw my thirst before bed... I HAD to FORGET to bring my bottle of water up last night....
SOOOO yeah... Went down to get water at 4 in the morning. I may be blind at night but thank god im not so blind to the extent i would step on IT by accident. So yeah.. And there IT was... Looking at me. I walked pass it. How? Tip toed (Apparently they follow noise) So yeah. Walked about a few meters away from it. Kept eye contact to make sure its still ALL THE WAY THERE while i get my things done. Got my water. Ran up as fast as i could and that was at 4. HAHAHA! This is already considered an improvement. I guess i got a little more courage from how it crawled up on my arm the last time. Yeah it CRAWLED UP MY DAMN ARM!

My Cockroach Story:
I was online, downstairs. Having fun. Lalala~ And suddenly, i saw something brownish-black. Immediately, i lifted my legs up. So yeah, i was hugging my legs (Thighs to chest) by that time. Then, something tickled me from the back. I ignored (Never will i ignore again). Continue my stuff. And the tickle moved higher. Ok i looked. Couldnt scream. Grandma was sleeping. Shit. What did i do? I swept it off with a distressed look on my face. The worst is yet to come. It DID NOT! fall on the floor. It held on to my thigh. Like DAMN right? Thats exactly what i felt. Eewww..~ No no! That wasnt the worst. The worst part was. I jumped. And because of that, it crawled up higher. Like just to the end on my shorts. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHH!!!! I know right!!! So i smacked my ass (Yes it may sound funny, go ahead and laugh =( but do remember, if they are so high up, DO NOT JUMP!!!) =( Oh and yeah then i smacked it out of my pants and onto the floor. I stopped jumping coz by that time i was already standing on the chair- Stoning and keeping a look out. Worst case scenario. (I would post a picture of it but and then again, why would i want a picture of a damn cockroach on my blog) It was HUGE (No exaggerations, trust me). Thinking about it is hair raising. (THIS IS A SHORT STORY, I CAN MAKE IT LONGER AND MUCH MUCH MORE DESCRIPTIVE). Lol.

Ish. I dont know how Tee Yee does it. All of us just got home (TY's house) from somewhere. There was this medium sized cockroach in her room. We freaked out. She stepped on it.... BARE FOOT. I seriously wonder... Where and how does she get the courage to do it!?

I wonder if she dares to step on a MADAGASCAN GIANT HISSING COCKROACH <- Click to see picture


Oh God! Didnt know piercings were so hard to maintain. =/ Still getting more though. Hehe *Imaginary halo glowing* The infected one is feeling much better. It still stings but its fine. Better than the first 2weeks atleast.

I once got the front of the piercing into my earlobes. Imagine that. It hurt so bad i had to go to the clinic at 11pm. This was when i was 12 anyways. Haha. They injected my ear and my sister was like,"Leng! Youve got lots of blood coming out from your ear!" Yeah thanks... That was helpful.. I cried. What?! Its wrong to cry now? Haha... Yeah they used pliers to get it out. And i bled. And cried some more. And my sister was like,"I bet you wouldnt be getting anymore piercings. But 3 years after that i got my next piercing and 3 years later (which is this year) i got another!! Haha! ;P

-I still like-

Oh hey! Thanks for the tips (Even if they were not meant for me). Theyre really helpful. I got mine done in Dragonfly, 1U. Earrings were from there too. I bet this is like a one in a million thing. Haha. =)

And i even thought of getting my navel piercing done there =( Not to mention getting a lip ring (My mom would murder me but... Opps?) Oh and not forgetting- A tattoo. Ive given up on eyebrow piercing (Theyre meant for people who actually has eyebrows). Haha. The only thing im afraid of now is that if my belly button decides to reject the piercing as well.. It would be uglaaay as hell. 'sides, i have to learn to take care of the simple piercings first. So navel and lip piercings will have to wait. =) Holy shit!

So i was looking for pictures of rejected navel piercing (The way Cammie described it to be), i found this other weird ass piercing..

-Would you ever do that? I know i wont-

Oh and... If you didnt already know, the pregnant man was once a woman. =)

I stayed in my room the whole day today. Mom called me down for my first meal just 2hours back. Got nagged for abit and then she told me that if i stayed in my room for too long i would develop some kind of sickness. Haha. Trust me, there are people who are worst than me. I dont see them getting any sort of sickness. Jeez. Oh but i do think i should get out more often. Nearly missed moms yummy ABC soup!!! >.< Couldnt smell anything all the way up in my room with the door locked shut.

-Oh, I drank from a bowl 10X bigger than that. This is my dinner *Full*-

"Prevention is better than cure."

Now to get all these gruesome images out of our heads... Watch this cat "pray"..:

Hehe. Watch till the end. =D

I got my colours back at last! Yay! I used to blog in colours until... =/ But whatever! I got it back *HAPPY!*

Oh and... FIXED IT! (I know this will just make it worst but it hurts when it touches just about anything.. So yeah. Problem solved)

-Ive got no self timer. Camera broke awhile back-

Im watching yuuhh~

"I like living in my delusional daydreams, and occasional lucid nightmares. "

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