Wednesday, June 8, 2011

JJ Has Returned To The Trekkies!!!

JJ Abrams has officially announced that he is back on board the USS Enterprise, to direct the next adventure. He confirmed this while in an interview about his new film, "Super 8", which is supposedly amazing. He's excited and ready to get back into buisness with his reboot franchise.
This is what he said on the film and it's release, which he has doubts about releasing on it's planned (June 29th 2012) release: "I really don't know, we will see. We are working really hard to try and get that movie made as soon as possible, but we don't want to rush anything. The worst thing we could possibly do would be to put something into production to make a release date instead of a great movie."
And this is what he said about the script and it's writers, "The writers are hard at work on it, and I am excited about getting back to it. We are taking our time, though, because I really do want make sure we do something that is worthy of the first one." 
And finally, this is what he said about it not being in all, "I'm not yet considering it, but you know, I haven't gotten any phone call from people in suits. I know what's good for me." 

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