My body clock is ticking wrongly again.
Hahaha. As i was typing my first sentence "I dont understand why cant i sleep at the right time/at all. It sucks", someone knocked on my door.
It went a little something like this:
Someone: *Knock knock*
Me: *Ninja-tip toped to door and Opens door*
Dad: You got class today right?
Me: Yeah. At 12pm.
Dad: Oh, why didnt you say so?
Me: I did. O.O
Dad: Anyway, waking up early is better than sleeping in.
Me: Oh.
Dad: What time did you sleep last night?
Me: Erm... Havent?
Dad: Crazy.
Me: Couldnt sleep.
Dad: Couldnt sleep? There must be something wrong then.
Me: Haha. Ill sleep as soon as i get back from college.
Dad: *Walks downstairs*
Me: *Ninja back to bed and continue blogging*
Hahaha... Funny.
I guess im going to shower soon?
Damn i need to sleep. Lets pray hard i wont fall asleep in class.
Last i heard, the new lecturer is a pretty boring old man. "Oh shit", yeah? Dang. I mean like if a person is old and fun/funny then its a whole new thing. Yeah, i know one. A part time lecturer. He was my lecturer for both my LAN subjects and left me with grades i dare say i am actually proud of. =)
Thank you.
This however.... Ill tell you about the lecturer if ive got any "problems" with him. If i dont, hey, hes an ok person. Hehe.
And!!! I hope all of you are doing well in UK. All the best alright. =) *hug hug!*
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesnt believe, and leaves before she is left." -Marilyn Monroe
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